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Covid Policies
As a local business we are asking for your continued support and cooperation with these guidelines to help ensure we can continue to keep our doors open. Please read carefully as there are new edits & updates
COVID 19 - Policies as of January 1, 2022
Who Can Climb?
Alchemy Climbing is open to the general public 12pm - 10pm on Tues-Sun.
Capacity and Participant Limitations:
No capacity restrictions in place at this time.
Continued to practice social distancing measures while in the facility:
Please do not climb on top ropes or boulder routes within a 6 foot radius of other climbers and respect their climbing and falling space.
Please respect other 6 foot measures made around the facility such as cubbies, front desk & training areas.
We recommend keeping to one climbing partner per day and try to climb with fellow household members.
We encourage everyone to continue to practice good hygiene throughout their climbing session, wash and/or sanitize hands before, during, and after climbing and do not touch your face, mouth and eyes.
Please do not lay on the floor.
All who enter the facility are automatically agreeing to all COVID screening questions.
Everyone in the facility must check-in and check-out so we can maintain accurate contact tracing ability.
Face Masks are still REQUIRED to enter facility!
Only customers who are fully vaccinated (2-weeks after final dose) may elect not to wear a mask in the facility, after we have verified vaccination status.
Mask policy is subjected to change at any time.
We strongly recommend that even fully vaccinated visitors wear a mask while in the facility and climbing.
We have a limited amount of disposable masks available at $0.50 each.
Face masks must cover nose & mouth - please see the CDC Guidelines for more information
Everyone must wash hands upon entering the facility, and check-in.
We will not be renting chalk bags at this time.
Yoga and fitness classes are currently postponed.
Water fountains are open for water bottle fills only.
Anyone that does not respect and follow these temporary policies, or any standard facility rules, will be asked to leave.
We understand these are not ideal policies for everyone and you may disagree with them. As a local community gym these are the policies we currently feel comfortable, for our climbers and staff, in order to remain open. We ask for your patience, understanding and respect during this time. Please understand things may change rapidly including additional closures or limitations. Climbing during covid-19, as with all aspects of climbing, has risks and only you know the risks you are comfortable taking at any given time. Stay educated and informed and we hope to see you all on the wall in the near future.
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